

Beyond Dentistry:
An Art, A Journey,
A Transformation


Beyond Dentistry:
An Art,
A Journey,
A Transformation

Your Smile's Journey,
Our Expertise

DentAssos Dental Clinic is a leading dental care provider in Çanakkale. Our commitment is to excellence in all facets of dentistry, achieved through our passion, dedication, and the application of the latest dental technologies. Our team of skilled professionals is here to provide you with a unique and comfortable dental experience, ensuring that every visit is smooth and stress-free.

About Us

All your dental needs, fulfilled under one roof.

Every patient is different, every smile is unique
Smile Gallery

What you

need to do?

Navigating your dental journey has never been this effortless. With DentAssos, we’ve streamlined the process to ensure your experience is as seamless as possible. Follow the steps above to book your appointment, then simply arrive at our clinic with any relevant dental records or documents. Our dedicated team will handle the rest, ensuring you receive top-notch care tailored to your unique needs. Your smile is our priority, and we’re here every step of the way to make sure it shines brightest.

Discover Your Needs:

Whether it's a routine check-up, a cosmetic procedure, or more intricate dental work, understanding your oral health requirements is the first step. Our team at DentAssos is always ready to guide you through a consultation to assess your dental needs.

Book Easily

Our user-friendly online portal or dedicated customer service hotline ensures that booking an appointment is just a click or call away. Choose the date and time that suits your schedule, and rest assured, your treatment will be reserved for you.

Start Your Dental Journey

Once booked, all you need to do is arrive at our clinic. Our team of professionals will be ready and waiting to ensure your dental experience is comfortable, efficient, and effective. Your oral health journey with us promises to be smooth and transformative.

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Discover the Wonders of Çanakkale

Nestled between the Aegean and Marmara seas, Çanakkale is more than just a city, it’s a living museum, a testament to the ebb and flow of empires, heroes, and legends. From the ancient ruins of Troy and Assos to the poignant memories of Gallipoli, Çanakkale invites you on a journey through time.

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